Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, Shares Her Views on How One Can Take Care of New Born Baby in Summer

Traditional practices followed by most Indian households are to keep a new born baby indoors for the first 6 weeks after birth. Intense heat of the summer months can be a challenge for new borns and new parents, with these tips new parents can look forward to a bright and smooth summer period.

Summer makes new borns prone to dehydration so pay attention to your baby’s clothing. Light cotton fabrics are best and if your area faces a mosquito problem keep your baby covered to avoid bites.  Breast milk has all the required ingredients and parents should resist the urge to feed water even in formula fed babies, the formula feed is sufficient. These tips will also protect your baby from sunstroke or overheating and risk of water borne infections, diarrhea and vomiting.

Sometimes pediatricians may recommend 20 minutes of sun exposure (avoiding the harsh sunrays exposure in mild sun rays). This is more so in babies who are mildly jaundiced like preterm babies. Keep your baby’s eyes covered at such times.

It is common to see a small white spotty rash in new borns this could be a normal variation or could be a rash predisposing to infection so always gets a checkup done. Change your baby’s clothes frequently to avoid perspiration from causing rashes especially in the fold of the skin. Wash clothes diligently in a mild disinfectant. Keep your home and surroundings as hygienic and mosquito free as possible. Disinfectants should be used with caution as it can be difficult for a new born to safely metabolize and excrete them unlike an adult.

Women who are breast feeding should take good care of their own diet and hydration status so that they have good amounts and quality of breast milk. Also take care of your baby’s strollers as it may get hot if kept outdoors. Check temperature with great care to avoid any inadvertent burns.

Of course all the regular vaccines are to be given in a timely manner
Summer can be a challenge but with these tips you can sit back relax and enjoy the joy of being new parents!

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First Workshop for Couples Expecting Baby by Surrogacy

First workshop for couples expecting baby by surrogacy on how to breast feed the baby by inducing lactation.We successful close to 40 participants. Despite heavy rains everyone made it and so keen and motivated to get started!! Thanks to hard work in organising this by LalitVerma Jyoti Prince Ruth Malik from Australia.....UdayMedala

Dr Ritu Santwani thank you for introducing me to this team in your wonderful CME in Pune.
Can even be started after baby is born. Medications include ocpillperinorm...and just herbs like methi seeds. Depends on what stage of pregnancy. For surrogacy always do this after 28 weeks...Viability of baby. Be v sensitive in presentation as these couples have been through a lot of hardships and heartbreak. 2 stories are very good. Einstein breast feed for almost 5 to 6 yrs; milk important for brain development due to higher fat content than cow’s milk etc. Other story is of tsunami in Thailand...father stranded on a tree with a hungry baby...mother missing...father started lactating...breast milk ...as no one around to provide any feed to baby. It's just an amazing story.

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