Grateful Parents from India !!


We would like to express our heartfelt Gratitude to you & your Staff who have helped us in the difficult journey towards achieving Parenthood.

We took the IVF route and was Successful in the FIRST attempt baby GIRL "Deevanshi" was born on 13th November 2018 weighing 2.6 Kg, she is healthy and doing great.

We greatly appreciate all the work that you & your staff Performs daily to make Dream come true for many Parents.

Thanks you & your Staff again from bottom of our heart.

Shailja & Rahul

Glad & Thankful Parents from India !!

Dear Dr Shivani and Her Team,

We are very glad and thankful to Dr Shivani for giving us such a beautiful gift of our life our Son ‘Triyaksh Arora’.  She is like a God to us who came to our life to enlighten it with loads of happiness and Sunshine.

We are very thankful to her.  She is doing such a great job in her life.

Thank you so much.

Mrs. & Mr. Mohit Arora
Little Sister Prodnya and Triyaksh Arora

A Heart Touching Thankyou Card for Dr Shivani Gour & SCI IVF Centre

Can you read the handwriting on the card. This is a thank you card from an almost 4 year old for her baby brother born after IVF at Our Clinic SCI IVF Centre. One of our most adorable cards! To read more reviews, visit-

Long-Awaited Child

Long-Awaited Child is the story of my 8 year journey to have a family of my own. Our journey began with trying to fall pregnant naturally, to trying IVF several times, to seeking foster care and adoption as an option & finally to surrogacy to have our long-awaited babies. I aspire to make the journey easier for others.

In my story I cover my personal emotions knowing the only option for me to have a baby was to use a donor egg and surrogate. Dealing with infertility can be a lonely and very sad time, I hope my story helps those going through a similar journey to not feel so alone plus to consider other options and not rely on IVF as the only answer. If we had given up after IVF failed in Australia we would not have our gorgeous twins and we are so thankful for your clinic and especially our Surrogate Mother for giving us our family. In my book I have also included some information and research we had done to make our journey easier to hopefully help others.

Below is the link to my website. My book can be purchased worldwide by paperback or downloaded on e-book versions:

Note: For SCI clients, there is a special discount of 15% who purchases this book. Code SCI15 needs to be entered on the discount box on checkout.

Dr Denis Mukwege Invited to Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour at His Infertility Clinic in Africa

Congratulations for the Nobel Prize to Dr Denis Mukwege. It was a great honour to be invited by him for the Infertility clinic in his hospital in DR Congo. Hillary Clinton Foundation was supporting the endeavor of his hospital for Gynaecological treatment of women who were war survivors in Africa.

From Brazil, Happy 11th Birthday to Our Adorable IVF Babies!

Time flies! It feels like just yesterday these little miracles were born, and today, they’re celebrating their 11th birthday! 🥳💖 A heartfe...