What are some tips to reduce the risk of COVID-19? | SCI IVF Hospital Team Presentation

What are some tips to reduce the risk of COVID-19? | SCI IVF Hospital Team Presentation Presentation from SCI IVF Hospital on Reopening post lockdown safeguarding your health. Watch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTFafire_Hs

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Email: ivfdrshivani@gmail.com

IVF Baby Wishes

IVF baby: He just gets cuter by the day. Never forgets to wish me on birthdays doctors day special occasions. The cutest wish “thank you dr aunty muah “. Our whole team is so grateful to this wonderful benevolent couple for giving us the honor to help them😍. Heartfelt wishes for your family: stay healthy and happy always. https://www.facebook.com/drshivanisachdevgourivf/posts/2639504746308792

How to Prepare for the In Vitro Fertilization Process

How to Prepare for the In Vitro Fertilization Process Fertility problems are very common among the couples that prevent them from conceiving a baby naturally. With the advancement of technology, many methods came out to help with the pregnancy and parenthood. Among all of the methods, IVF is one of the most chosen and common for fertility treatments.

Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour and Dr Nupur Garg discussing about Endometriosis | SCI IVF Centre Noida

Endometriosis which affects over 180 million women worldwide. Celebrities through the times from Queen Victoria to Marilyn Monroe to Katrina Kaif have been known to have Endometriosis. The Old theories of its origin : Sampson Theory, Lymphogenic Spread, Angiogenic Spread, Metaplasia theory are no longer acceptable. Currently the origin of Endometriosis is believed to be an endometrial cell or a bone marrow or stem cell - The Genetic/ Epigenetic Theory is postulated to explain its origin. We discuss its diagnosis and management in part one of the series of videos on Endometriosis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIPSWmEB3FE

From Brazil, Happy 11th Birthday to Our Adorable IVF Babies!

Time flies! It feels like just yesterday these little miracles were born, and today, they’re celebrating their 11th birthday! 🥳💖 A heartfe...