Steps To Follow in the In-Vitro Fertilization Treatment


In Vitro Fertilization has been there for more than 40 years, and many couples have got their parenthood successfully using it. The IVF treatment is used around the world by couples who are not able to conceive a baby due to fertility problems. Compared to the past times, the process of IVF has improved very much with the advancement of technology. You will get IVF treatment in Delhi at reasonable and affordable prices. The steps of this process are very complex and come with different options. Here are the steps of IVF treatment given below. 

Step – 1

At the starting of this process, you will need to provide different information to the doctor about the time of your menstrual cycle, information of regularity or any irregularity, and others. The doctor will put you in a course of medications to increase the growth of eggs in your ovaries. You will have to take the medication for more than 9 to 14 days every day. These are FSH injections that contain a bit higher of what women naturally produce. The response and growth of eggs are measured using ultrasound and different blood tests. You can visit the SCI IVF Hospital to start the IVF treatment today.

Step -2

When the eggs are ready for retrieval, doctors prepare for the next step which is known as egg retrieval. With the help of ultrasound, doctors check the condition of those eggs. If they are ready, they are retrieved through the vagina while keeping the mother sedated. The whole retrieval procedure takes around 25 to 30 minutes, which also greatly depends on the number of eggs. After the process is completed, doctors will start looking for healthy eggs. On the other hand, the semen of the donor or intended father needs to be deposited to the doctor. Using the freezing sample is also available now in the best infertility clinic in Delhi.

Step – 3

When the sperm is ready and the eggs are identified from the retrieval sample, the doctors will go to the next step known as fertilization. Both sperm and eggs are mixed in an incubator for one night and more than 60% of eggs start to fertilize in normal cases. If the sperm is weak, then doctors will inject it directly into the egg. Once the mix is complete, they are stored in a laboratory for some days for the fertilization process. You can visit one of the best IVF specialists Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour to know the details of this process.

Step – 4

Once the egg is fully fertilized, the next step will take place named embryo transfer. In his process, the embryo is transferred into the uterus using a thin catheter made using plastic through the cervix. This process takes only 2-5 minutes and there is usually no pain. According to the situation, the doctor might add more than one embryo to the uterus. Once the transfer is completed, you will need to wait for pregnancy news within 14 days. Visit an IVF specialist doctor in Delhi today to start your treatment.

These are the different stages of the In Vitro Fertilization that you need to know before starting the procedure.

Why Surrogacy Treatment is In Utmost Demand?

People in many parts of the world are welcoming surrogacy as a way to expand their families. Many couples are facing difficulties to conceive a child naturally due to many issues. As a result, of the solution, people find a surrogate mother. Surrogacy is becoming more acceptable with passing days. Best surrogacy clinics in India are in the growing demand for many Indian families.

Let us look at some of the reasons why surrogacy is needed-


It is one of the reasons Indians parents look for low cost surrogacy clinic in Delhi. Several men and women face several infertility issues. The men either suffer from low sperm count, urethral structure, or pelvic inflammatory problems, the women also suffer many problems of the fallopian tube, ovary, or uterus. A woman who has undergone an ectopic pregnancy suffers infertility issues too. They have no other options apart from choosing a surrogate mother.

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Doctors Say Girl Marriage In 18 Years Is At Risk Of Anemia- Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour

गाइनोकोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर शीतल अग्रवाल का कहना है कि यह फिजिकल हेल्थ से कहीं ज्यादा सोशियो-इकॉनमी के लिहाज से फायदेमंद साबित होगा। उन्होंने कहा कि 18 साल के बाद मेडिकली लड़कियां मां बनने के लिए फिट हो जाती हैं, लेकिन परिपक्वता में कहीं कहीं कमी रहती है।



स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने लड़कियों की शादी की न्यूनतम उम्र पर विचार करने की बात कही। डॉक्टरों का कहना है कि 18 साल में लड़कियों की शादी होने से कई शारीरिक समस्याओं का खतरा रहता है।

गाइनोकोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर शिवानी सचदेव का कहना है कि 18 साल की उम्र में शादी की वजह से टीनएज प्रेग्नेंसी एक बड़ी समस्या है। कई मामले में देखा गया है कि ऐसी लड़कियों में पेलविक बोन कंप्लीट नहीं बना होता है, इस वजह से मुश्किल होती है। इस उम्र में एनीमिया का बहुत बड़ा खतरा रहता है। ब्लीडिंग का खतरा रहता है और सबसे बड़ी दिक्कत ऐसी मां में आत्मविश्वास की भारी कमी होती है। वह अपने बच्चे को ठीक से पालने में सक्षम नहीं होतीं। वह आर्थिक तरीके से दूसरे पर निर्भर रहती हैं, जिससे वह अपने बच्चे के भी भविष्य के बारे में अच्छा सोच नहीं पाती हैं। अगर, लड़कियों की शादी के लिए 21 साल की उम्र तय कर दी जाती है तो यह बहुत ही अच्छा कदम होगा। खासकर ग्रामीण इलाके में आज भी टीनएज शादियां हो रही हैं और वहां पर इसी वजह से टीनएज प्रेग्नेंसी भी देखी जाती है। Read full article-

What are the Advanced Stages of IVF?

In vitro fertilization or IVF has a record in treating males and females suffering from infertility problems. IVF can be a reliable solution for many patients who have struggled to have a child with other fertility treatments. It is a successful treatment for women with tubal issues, uterine endometriosis, or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Advanced stages of IVF

For women with greater age, IVF is also very successful with the use of a donor egg. Men with low sperm counts and couples with inherited diseases also benefit from IVF. You can contact Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour for more information.


Embryo Scope time-lapse system is a safe IVF technique for the embryo management through platform high-quality modulation optics

The development of the Embryo Scope time-lapse incubator has been designed intricately to ensure stable incubation practices while automatically rendering images of the growing embryos at defined intervals. This information is transferred to the ES server which is further accessed from conventional Embryo Viewer stations.

This method can improve the chances of clinical outcomes which results in the transferring of a viable embryo. The chances of pregnancy being lost or aborted are reduced by selecting the most viable embryo. The clinical trials improve the pregnancy rate and the female attains pregnancy within a short duration of time. SOURCE

Subchorionic hematoma and implantation: can better understanding the former help improve the latter?

Programmed cycles carry a higher risk of subchorionic hematoma formation. the most notable difference between natural and programmed cycles is the presence or absence of a corpus luteum. Relaxin and vascular endothelial growth factor are both produced by the corpus luteum and are therefore lacking in programmed cycles. Further, the absence of a corpus luteum has been implicated in the development of obstetric complications such as preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage in the setting of programmed cycles. Other potential predisposing factors are obesity, hypertension, and/or use of aspirin or other anticoagulants.

From Brazil, Happy 11th Birthday to Our Adorable IVF Babies!

Time flies! It feels like just yesterday these little miracles were born, and today, they’re celebrating their 11th birthday! 🥳💖 A heartfe...