Questions That People Ask About the IVF Treatment

 Today everyone is aware of the fact that IVF is the best treatment process when it comes to treating infertility. With the help of it, women can easily become pregnant, and they would not face any more difficulties. In other words, you can also call it an easy process that gives you a better solution to your problem.

Day by day, the popularity of this treatment is growing, and doctors are getting their considerable shares of profit. There is a renowned SCI IVF Hospital in India where you will get hundreds of IVF cases daily. After doing it, everyone feels so happy that there are no chances of complaints or disappointments. But today we can see that there are many people who ask a lot of questions about this treatment.

These questions always remain unanswered, and for this reason, people develop a lot of bad thoughts. You will not believe that even the best IVF specialist doctor in Delhi could not answer these questions. But now it would not happen anymore because these are the answers to those questions which will erase all your queries. Just go through them and get a clear idea about this particular treatment.

  1. Are there any time limits for trying this treatment?

Of course, not a couple can try this treatment for at least 10 times or a little more than that. You can say that after 10 attempts only you will get a probable result of pregnancy. But make sure that it is within a limit because unlimited attempts can lead to further problems. This way, your chances of pregnancy can get reduced and no one can help you with it.

  1. Is age considered an important factor for being pregnant?

Without any doubt, the answer to this question is yes because a younger woman can easily become pregnant. But when a woman is above 40, then the chances are minimum, and it is not fair to have any higher expectations. If you see any of the blastocyst embryo treatment packages then there you will get to know about the age criteria for IVF.

  1. Is this treatment very costly?

No not at all instead of being costly it gives a favorable treatment at a better cost. Try it out for once and see how easily you are getting the best treatment. People often have a misconception that it is costly, but after having this treatment, they get rid of this thought.

  1. How can the embryos play a pivotal role during pregnancy?

If there are two embryos, then the success rate increases and the process becomes easier. But if there is only one embryo, then the chances of success decrease, and there can be a lot of troubles. This is the role of an embryo during pregnancy which you have to know. It is for your knowledge which can help you to make the right decision in the future.

Therefore, these answers will definitely help you know more about the treatment of IVF. Study them carefully, and half of the things would be easier for you.

Different Stages of the Surrogacy Process

Surrogacy is one of the most common processes of fertility treatment. It has been used for a very long time now and it comes with a high success rate. It helps you to get the joy of parenthood while you are having fertility problems. However, the process of surrogacy is very complex because of the legal rules related to it. There have been many cases when the surrogate mother claimed the baby after handing the child to their intended parents. You need to know different stages of the surrogacy process to know the details of the journey and be prepared for it. The surrogacy treatment cost in Noida is very affordable and one of the best in India.

Make sure it is the right choice for you

The first step of the process knows that if the surrogacy process is the best choice for you. The main reason for thinking twice before considering this process is that it comes with many different long and emotional journeys. Many couples might not be ready for this big commitment and process. Surrogacy has many advantages and disadvantages along with a lot of paperwork. So, be prepared for the journey and then proceed for the further steps. You can take the help of surrogacy treatment in Noida to have affordable treatment.

Choose the type

Surrogacy is divided into mainly 2 different types such as gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy. The intended parents need to choose among these 2 that match perfectly with them. Along with the types, you also need to make sure what the right time for it is. You can visit the best surrogacy center in Noida to do the treatment successfully.

In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother who carries the baby for 9 months is the biological mother of the baby along with the intended mother. The egg of the surrogate mother is fertilized using the sperm of the intended or donated sperm.

In gestational surrogacy, the baby is not related to the surrogate mother biologically. In this process, the eggs of the intended mother or a donor are mixed with the sperm of the intended father or donor using the In Vitro Fertilization process, and then it is kept in the lab for further fertilization. Once it is ready, the embryo is transferred to the surrogate mother and she carries the child until delivery.

Choose between Agency and Attorney

If you are going for the surrogacy method, then you will need to take the help of either the surrogacy agency or surrogacy attorney. Surrogacy attorney provides all different services such as screening, counseling, case management, and others. On the other hand, the surrogacy attorney only completes the legal works but may not provide any other services that are required for the surrogacy treatment. Make sure to choose between them very carefully based on the services you need. You can visit Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour to know more about it and do the treatment successfully.

These are some of the most important stages of surrogacy treatment that you need to know before choosing.

Speculations about Surrogacy Which You Should Never Follow

Today we can see that surrogacy treatment is popular all over the world, and women are getting benefits from it. In some of the places, it is illegal, but that does not bother anyone from getting it done. Even the doctors are having a considerable share of profits due to the increase in surrogacy cases. Every year there are thousands of cases, and after having this treatment, people get certain knowledge about it.

The leading example of this thing is the best surrogacy clinic in Delhi NCR where the treatment is modernized. Because of it they get better patients and can easily give them a nice treatment. But today we can see there are a lot of speculations about the surrogacy treatment which are becoming people’s mindset. Try not to follow them so that you can come up with your own personal opinion.

Even the best specialist of IVF Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour tells all her patients not to follow these speculations. In other words, you can also tell that they are baseless and do not have any proper significance. Here are the speculations about surrogacy which you should never follow. After going through them, you can easily make a fair decision among yourself.

  • It is only for the rich persons and celebrities- People often have this misconception that surrogacy treatment is only for the rich persons and celebrities. The simple reason behind this thing is that it is the costliest treatment that many common people cannot afford. But now rather than worrying about the cost common people are opting for this treatment and getting some fine results. Therefore you can freely avoid this speculation as it does not have any kind of meaning.
  • You do not have to go for any test before the treatment- One of the worst speculations which can affect a person who knows nothing about surrogacy. If you do not go for any test before its treatment, then you would never get qualified. These tests are compulsory and can also decide whether you are eligible for this treatment or not. There is an IVF specialist doctor in Delhi who recommends this test to everyone so that they get a clear idea.
  • After surrogacy women handover the child to his/her father- No one knows that from where did this speculation generate and how people made it an official statement. In some cases, the woman handovers the child to his/her father but it is not always. Majority of the time the child remains with his/her mother. Therefore whenever you hear this thing, just turn it a deaf ear and never hear it again.
  • There is no special rapport between you and your child- Remember that a rapport only comes if you give a better time to your children. It does not matter if he/she is not your biological child, but all you have to do is to understand. The moment you start understanding him/her a special rapport will be created automatically.

Therefore, strictly avoid these speculations and come up with your own views and ideas. 


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