Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour Coverage in Pune Times Today

Here's all that you need to know about Surrogacy in India- Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, director of a Delhi-based fertility hospital, explains, who can be a surrogate?


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Satya Ki Vijay: Abortion Rights... रूढ़िवादी सोच पर करार प्रहार

#AbortionRights Abortion का अधिकार.. अब मैरिटल रेप पर होगी बात

Satya Ki Vijay: Abortion का अधिकार...रूढ़िवादी सोच पर करार प्रहार

इस खबर पर INSTAR की मुख्य सचिव डॉ. शिवानी सचदेव गौड़ ने क्या कहा सुनिए. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOcIZm2CB2Q

#SatyaKiAwaz #AbortionRights #abortionismyright  #mtpact #hindinews #latestnews #breakingnews #newsindia #drshivanisachdevgour #vijaitrivedi #drshivanigour

Gratitude Letter from Happy Parents

Gratitude Letter from Happy Parents


For all you do for who you are, we will be forever grateful you in our (life' 'words cannot express our feelings, nor our thanks for all your help "your thoughtfulness will always be remembered "your help has been invaluable to us" and we don't know how we would have managed without your help and support. 

From Love from Swati, Amit Bisht Aadrika and Adrith

From Brazil, Happy 11th Birthday to Our Adorable IVF Babies!

Time flies! It feels like just yesterday these little miracles were born, and today, they’re celebrating their 11th birthday! 🥳💖 A heartfe...