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I’m a 40-year-old suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. I’m told that I snore loudly while sleeping. My current weight is 128 kg. Is there any permanent cure for my problems?
You are suffering from obesity and its related comorbidities. Bariatric surgery is currently the only cure available for your problem. You need to be evaluated and most probably a gastric bypass surgery is the solution to your problem.
Dr Atul Peters, Director of Minimal Accesses, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgeon, Primus Super specialty Hospital, Delhi

It has been 2 years since I got married and as much as I try I fail to understand my wife. We fight a lot due to differences in thoughts and outlook. How much of an understanding is justified on my behalf? I love my wife and I want our relation to work.
It does happen at times that in spite of mutual love that a couple shares, they start having disharmony due to errors in communication, faulty expectations or sometimes due to external pressures of work life balance. I recommended that you consult a professional and take guidance, I am sure with mutual feelings you share, with professional help you would be amicably able to sort out the differences and your relationship would becoming positive.
-      Dr Samir Parikh, Director, Mental Health & Behavioural Sciences Fortis Healthcare, Delhi

Hi, I am a 32-year-old working as a software developer. My wife and I have been trying to start a family for the last two years without success. I am worried that it may be due to a problem with my sperm count. Please suggest what are required.
It is advisable to get a complete evaluation done. Please have a look at the Couples’ Pre IVF Investigations. Based on this your doctor will tell you the best way forward for your wife to get pregnant.
-      Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, Director and Fertility Consultant SCI Healthcare. Delhi

Hi, I am a 54-year-old retired man. I read recently that prostate cancer is the second largest type of cancer in the US and is increasing on the rise in India. Could I also be at risk ?
Prostate cancer is a disease which only affects men. It brings to grow in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer is mostly a very slow processing disease. In fact, many men die of old age, without ever knowing they had prostate cancer; it is only when an autopsy is done that doctors know the stage of the cancer, or how far it has spread which helps the doctor to give a prognosis. It also helps to decide on a course of treatment.
-      Dr Anant Kumar, Director Robotic Urology, International centre for robotic surgery, Delhi

Is semen deficiency correctable?
Semen deficiencies can be corrected only if a correctable cause can be found. Medicines can be used to correct conditions such as deficiency of pituitary hormone production or infections of the genital and urinary tract. Surgical correction can be dome for some types of blocks in the path of semen travel and severe varicocoele or hydrocele. However, most semen defects are irreversible and empirical treatment administered with drugs to improve semen quality is ineffective.
Dr Abha Majumdar, HOD Centre of IVF & Human reproduction, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi

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