Thankful Parents from India !! 

Dear, Dr. Shivani,

We are very thankful to you and your team. It almost more than five year after marriage we had no results. Once we left all hopes but SCI IVF showed us a light of hope and now we have an angel (Baby).

Give your blessings to Tanishka.


Tanishka’s Parents                                                                            
Dharmendra Singh
Manju Singh

Dr Shivani reviews

Know about Test Tube Baby and Its Procedures

Test tube baby and IVF terms are always related, and to know about it let us try to understand each and everything in detail. Test tube baby is defined as a term that is referred to a child conceived outside the women’s body. The child is conceived through a scientific process and that is known as In-Vitro fertilization or IVF treatment. In this concern, the entire process is done in a laboratory, where the eggs are taken from the mother’s ovary and are fertilized by the healthy sperms extracted from the father.

The fertilization of the egg is cultured for 2–6 days, where these eggs are then returned back to the mother’s uterus so that the child can be developed normally. The process is done with the intention to ensure about successful pregnancy. Test tube baby procedure is a great help for the women for those who are having infertility problems and that are untreatable to deliver birth to healthy babies.

Test Tube Processes
Now that you know what test tube baby is let us study about the steps that are involved in test tube baby process. The steps are divided in four phases and these are mentioned below:

Process 1: Egg stimulation
At first the patient is given the fertility medications in order to stimulate the production of egg. Here in order to increase the success rate of the treatment, multiple eggs are needed. The complete egg stimulation is guided by Transvaginal ultrasound, where ovaries, blood samples are examined so as to determine the level of hormones.

Step 2 - Egg Retrieval
The second step is egg retrieval where ultra sound is used in order to retain the ovarian follicles. Retrieval of egg is followed with minor surgery, where the complete procedure takes about half an hour, where the follicular fluids are carefully seen so as to trace the proof of available eggs. After this entire procedure, the eggs are preserved in incubator till insemination.

Step 3 - Culture of Fertilization and Embryo
The third step is culture of fertilization and embryo and here for insemination, male sperm sample is collected and the eggs are mixed with the sperms. These are then stored in laboratory and in order to enable the fertilization, single sperm is infused in the egg. 

Step 4 - Transfer of egg and quality of Embryo
The Fourth step is transfer of Embryo, which is the quickest method done in overall treatment. The embryo is assessed on the basis of age and quality, where under the normal situation doctor suggests to transfer single embryo and preserve the rest of them. During transferring, doctor inserts Cather and pushes the pre-determined embryos in the female uterus. 

These are the process of having test tube baby!

Know About IVF Benefits for Infertility Couples by Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour

 If you are unable to conceive after having a year of unprotected sex, then you or your partner might be suffering from infertility. Talking about infertility treatment, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is often viewed as the ultimate option as it can help couples to enjoy the phase of parenthood. There are many benefits of infertility and some of these are mentioned below:

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Benefits:
IVF treatment can exponentially increase the chances of enjoying a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
  • IVF can bring success to infertility: Patients before opting to IVF treatment, moves through a range of fertility treatments like taking fertility medications, intrauterine insemination, and so on. The process can diagnose infertility problems such as blocked fallopian tubes or even in severe male infertility factor, or even reduce ovarian reserves. This can help in bringing success to infertility issue that you are facing.
  • Anybody suffering from infertility can use it: IVF is not restricted to the mother of the baby, besides it can also be used by others who participate in the pregnancy and labor experience. IVF can be used by same-sex couples or by the women who are physically unable to carry a baby or even by single women who want to conceive.
  • Donated eggs and/or sperm can Be Used:When you physician finds that your egg or sperm is not qualified, they ask for using donated eggs and/or sperm. In such case the egg can be manually fertilized in the clinic and thereby resulting, viable embryo which can be used for IVF. This will increases the chances of getting pregnant.
  • Enhance your chances of having a healthy baby:Genetic screening is regarded as powerful new technologies that can assist you ensure your baby is born healthy. By utilizing preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), you can easily ensure the fetuses that are being used during IVF are free of known genetic markers. This is when you increase the chance of having a healthy baby.
  • Minimize the chance of miscarriage:IVF has another benefit of minimizing the chance of miscarriage. Due to genetic abnormality the body can terminate the pregnancy naturally but by using PGD to determine the genetic viability of an embryo you can have a better chance of enjoying a healthy pregnancy and even carrying the baby full-term.

So, IVF treatment can easily increase your chances of conception and giving birth to a healthy baby. IVF added with PGS has always the better chances of success rate of conceiving.

40 Percent Females are facing Infertility Problem; Girls Too Are Suffering From PCOS

Federation of obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India, Karnal Chapter organises the conference.  

Federation of obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India (FOGSI), Karnal Chapter and Amritdhara Hospital organised a conference in Noor Mahal Hotel on infertility (PCOS). Doctors from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and UP participated in it. The problem of infertility and its treatment was shared in the conference.

The convener of the conference Dr. Jyoti Gupta said that earlier, the problem was found in 10% females but now Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is found in 30 to 40% females. Even the girls of 13 years are affected with PCOS. She said, due to this, eggs are not properly formed and matured. There may be many reasons; which include genetic problems, environment, enzyme deficiency and taking a lot of junk food.

Its a major problem in females of North India
Secretary of ESAR Delhi, Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gaur said that the infertility is especially prevalent in the females of North India. This is caused by change in hormonal pattern which changes due to excess formation of male hormone. The patient has hairs on their chin and above the lips; they have hair fall, diabetes and high cholesterol. The conference was mainly attended by Dr. Abha Majumdar, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Dr. Bharati Dore Patil from Pune, Dr. Jyoti Malik, Secretary, Haryana State, ESAR, Dr. Seema Pandey from Azamgarh, Dr. Arshi Iqbal from Kota, Dr. Anshu Jindal and Dr. Sunil Jindal from Meerut.

Ways to combat the disease
The best way to cope up with the problem is to reduce the weight. Antibiotics like metformin and drugs like inositol can be helpful. Gonadotropin injection can help the women facing infertility. Some females require treatment like test-tube baby for becoming a mother. Excess food becomes a reason for developing PCOS disease, therefore, the change in lifestyle and diet is important.

Gynecologists discuss to curb Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour

Problem of infertility due to life style becomes critical in females.

Karnal, 18 March (SRE): Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is increasing fast in females, specially young adolescent girls. The intensity of the disease can be gauged from the fact that every 7th woman, who can not conceive is suffering from this disease. If it not timely treated it can turn into diabetes or cancer of uterus membrane. The gynecologists from across the state apart from UP discussed ways to control the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS, so that the females and adolescent girls are made aware of the symptoms and treatment.

Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of India, in collaboration with Amritdhara hospital organised a conference on cracking the PCOS code. Gynecologists said the disease can be minimised by changing the lifestyle. The adult and adolescent females gain a lot of weight in this disease. They face problems in becoming mother and their hormone level is imbalanced. About 15 to 20 percent adult and adolescent females are affected with PCOS in the state. Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour, Dr. Abha Majumdar, Dr. Bharati Ghorepatil, Dr. Seema Pandey, Dr. Arshi Iqbal, Dr Anshu Jindal, Dr. Sunil Jindal, Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Dr. Ragini Agrawal, Dr. Sanjay Kalra and Dr. Nitin Bansal were present on the occasion among others.
(Gynecologists present in the programme – Pankaj)

Dr. Prabhjot Kaur
IVF specialist Dr Prabhjot Kaur said that this conference has been called to make treatment easy and cost effective, and to find the solution of irregularity in menstruation. The discussion is going on. But the problem in adult and adolescent women can be minimised by changing the lifestyle. The women should exercise regularly, and use green vegetables and fruits in their diet.

The disease brings lifelong hardship: Dr. Jyoti

IVF specialist Dr. Jyoti Gupta said that we see a sharp rise in the patients of PCOS. Around 40 percent females have this disease. Even the disease is flourishing in girls of 13 years. Conference will discuss the rise in the disease and ways to curb it.

Focus on exercise and diet: Dr. Manju
IVF specialist Dr.Manju Khurana said that obesity is the main reason behind the disease. The females who wanted a child should control their weight, try to lose weight, take less sugar, eat more vegetables, and take fruits & nuts. Eat fewer things made in ghee. Exercise daily and do daily work with agility. If the disease remains uncontrolled, consult your doctor.

Dr. Jyoti Malik, Director, Roots IVF Bahadurgarh said the objective of the conference is to create awareness among adult and adolescent girls about the disease. If the disease is not treated in time it can become the lifelong curse. (Dr. Malik)  

Expert Advices to Parents - Be Friends Your Daughters, Should Share Everything

Healthy adolescent girls: Amritdhara My Hospital organises seminar in Noor mahal Hotel; Lady Doctors from across the state attended the seminar.

Jagaran Correspondent: When the girl is adolescent, there are many changes in their body. Secretion of hormone and period also starts. During this period, the girl is unable to understand what is happening with her? This chaos becomes her great problem. This is the time when she needed the guidance of the parents. The problem is that, the parents do not care about it and the girl does not discuss it with anyone due to shame and hesitation and falls prey to many serious diseases.

How the situation is dangerous can be gauged by the fact that about 35% of the girls are undergoing this situation. They suffer serious diseases. The problem is hesitation and ignorance on the part of parents and not the disease which is creating this situation. Due to this, many of the girls even loose the capability of becoming mother.

Around 200 doctors from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan and UP attended the seminar organised by Amritdhara My Hospital in association with Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India – FOGSI, Karnal Chapter. The organiser of the seminar Dr. Jyoti Gupta said that efforts have been made in the seminar to address the difficulties face by women during periods and their remedies, how to control this disease and to disseminate the related information to the common women.  She said, if we talk in medical terms the disease is named as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – PCOS; but in a layman’s term we relate it to period problem.

If period gets delayed by over 40 days, then it is a problem
Female disease specialist Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour said that if the period is delayed by over 40 days in menstruating girls, then you may consider it as a problem. Because it is the beginning of the syndrome. In such a situation you must consult the doctor. This would be possible only when the parents are in talking terms with their daughters on the subject.

Following problems may arise
Due to this disease hair growth is seen on chins and above the upper lip, this can cause uterine cancer. This reason for the disease may be due to taking junk food regularly and not taking the clean or homemade food.

Training will be held on the patterns of Chandigarh and Delhi
The managing director of Amritdhara My Hospital Dr. Rajiv Gupta said that at present the doctors of Karnal and surrounding areas used to go to Delhi and Chandigarh for training but the from now on, the training sessions will be organised in Karnal by his hospital.  The seminar has been organised in this connection.

How it can be prevented?
The best way to mitigate the situation is to reduce one’s weight. Antibiotics like haematoformin and drugs like inositol can be helpful. Gonadotropin injection can help the women facing infertility. The best way, however, remains changing your lifestyle. 

From Brazil, Happy 11th Birthday to Our Adorable IVF Babies!

Time flies! It feels like just yesterday these little miracles were born, and today, they’re celebrating their 11th birthday! 🥳💖 A heartfe...