Know about Test Tube Baby and Its Procedures

Test tube baby and IVF terms are always related, and to know about it let us try to understand each and everything in detail. Test tube baby is defined as a term that is referred to a child conceived outside the women’s body. The child is conceived through a scientific process and that is known as In-Vitro fertilization or IVF treatment. In this concern, the entire process is done in a laboratory, where the eggs are taken from the mother’s ovary and are fertilized by the healthy sperms extracted from the father.

The fertilization of the egg is cultured for 2–6 days, where these eggs are then returned back to the mother’s uterus so that the child can be developed normally. The process is done with the intention to ensure about successful pregnancy. Test tube baby procedure is a great help for the women for those who are having infertility problems and that are untreatable to deliver birth to healthy babies.

Test Tube Processes
Now that you know what test tube baby is let us study about the steps that are involved in test tube baby process. The steps are divided in four phases and these are mentioned below:

Process 1: Egg stimulation
At first the patient is given the fertility medications in order to stimulate the production of egg. Here in order to increase the success rate of the treatment, multiple eggs are needed. The complete egg stimulation is guided by Transvaginal ultrasound, where ovaries, blood samples are examined so as to determine the level of hormones.

Step 2 - Egg Retrieval
The second step is egg retrieval where ultra sound is used in order to retain the ovarian follicles. Retrieval of egg is followed with minor surgery, where the complete procedure takes about half an hour, where the follicular fluids are carefully seen so as to trace the proof of available eggs. After this entire procedure, the eggs are preserved in incubator till insemination.

Step 3 - Culture of Fertilization and Embryo
The third step is culture of fertilization and embryo and here for insemination, male sperm sample is collected and the eggs are mixed with the sperms. These are then stored in laboratory and in order to enable the fertilization, single sperm is infused in the egg. 

Step 4 - Transfer of egg and quality of Embryo
The Fourth step is transfer of Embryo, which is the quickest method done in overall treatment. The embryo is assessed on the basis of age and quality, where under the normal situation doctor suggests to transfer single embryo and preserve the rest of them. During transferring, doctor inserts Cather and pushes the pre-determined embryos in the female uterus. 

These are the process of having test tube baby!

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou so much for sharing this information with us. do Visit the best IVF Doctor in Punjab for women health problems.


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