Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour on 92.7 Big FM in the Programme "I BELIEVE IN IVF"

Big FM Podcast – You are listening I BELIEVE IN IVF presented by Emcure and powered by Materna

RJ: We are presented a unique patient awareness series by Emcure Pharma, I BELIEVE IN IVF powered by Materna. Emcure is a pioneer in gynecology and preferred partner in IVF. So very warm welcome doctor. May I ask you about yourself a little bit, where you belong, where did you study and how is your experienced in IVF please tell us.


Doctor: I am Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, Director of SCI IVF Centre, New Delhi, And Noida. I am from Mumbai, Maharashtra. I have done my graduation and post-graduation from Mumbai and my higher education is from Edinburgh in Scotland and Imperial College London.


Working in IVF for years the last 20 year and it is been an extraordinary and absolutely lovely experienced I must say family is the basic unit of our society and having a child is something which is so inborn, parenthood is like the fortunate greatest blessing of life and we have been fortune as a team to be able to help so many thousand couples achieve this dream. So it’s been wonderful experience.


RJ: Mam also tell us what are the unique services you offered to patients

Doctor: We offer fertility treatment for both men & women and advanced technology for example IVF, ICSI, Laser Assisted Hatching, Blastocyst culture, Genetic testing of the Embryos, and surrogacy. So we offer the entire range of fertility treatments under one roof. Most of the patients that we come across have face some form of social isolation or sigma or apprehension the regards to IVF like cost or transparency of the process and because that they hesitate to adopt that technology. Specially during Covid face safety issue is also a bad year. So then we see patients and we try to take care of all these saying so the we give a patient the best treatment possible.


RJ: Great, So Mam can you please explain to us what IVF is and what was the most challenging case you have come across.


Doctor: IVF is one of the most successful forms of assisted reproductive technology. It is a technology to help you get pregnant and have a baby. This is a very complex series of procedures and not only to have a baby but also its use to sometimes to prevent any genetic problem in the child. The woman has given a daily injection for about 12 days after that mature egg is collected or retrieved from the ovarian and their anesthesia. It is a small process. These eggs are then fertilizing by the sperm in a dish. Although this is called test tube baby the fertilization process takes place in a dish and with regards to one of the challenging cases that I have a face I will never forget throughout my life a patient who came to me after drink 40 IVF cycle in Japan and she was sitting in front of me little thin movement and just incomplete and other despair and it was really like a miracle that the first IVF treated with surrogacy and she conceives and her healthy children were born after 9 months. So it will be something so unbelievable with 40 treatments it does not work and one attempt for surrogacy is immediately successful for her.

RJ: that is truly a miracle ya it is, so why are the patient of IVF increasing in India, why do environmental you think it is happening.


Doctor: World white DFC decline in sperm parameter. There is also to trend the late marriages, late pregnancy, decline in egg quality, environmental factors like pollution use, even mobile phone use, stress all these factors are playing an environmental role in contributing to the increasing rates of infertility.


RJ: So mam what is that most common mid that you have heard among the patients with regards to IVF


Doctor: This is Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour, Director of SCI IVF Centre New Delhi & Noida. The most common milf that come across almost every single day is there a mistaken billing some women have about robust fertility the effect age on fertility. People think sometimes that they have a healthy lifestyle and have a family history of fertility. They will not stage in infertility even in India 40. Sometime say get incorrect information from friends, some relations, some reports about celebrities, who are having children in India 40. So because that day they feel that the fertility lasts for a very long time. So this is a very common problem that we see in our day-to-day practice.



S-21, Greater Kailash - I, New Delhi - 110048

Mail at- ivfdrshivani@gmail.com

Website- https://www.drshivanisachdevgour.co.in


Does Cell Phone Affect Fertility in Men? https://www.drshivanisachdevgour.com/does-cell-phone-affect-fertility-in-men/


Fertility in Midlife: What are the Chances of Parenthood at Older Age? https://www.drshivanisachdevgour.co.in/fertility-in-midlife-what-are-the-chances-of-parenthood-at-older-age/


When Can a Patient Go For IVF Treatment Post Covid Vaccination? http://www.drshivanisachdevgour.in/blog/when-can-a-patient-co-for-ivf-treatment-post-covid-vaccination/

IVF in the times of Covid-19 Safety and precautions

Is there a need to delay the IVF procedure after getting a Covid-19 vaccine? Dr.Shivani Sachdev Gour provides some insight.

What we thought was the end was just the beginning. The deadly second wave of Covid which affected people more from the reproductive age group reaffirms that we will need to continue to live in a COVID-19 environment for the foreseeable future. As per ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) there is a need to ensure that essential medical care, including reproductive care, is provided while maximizing safety.

An essential protective tool in the pandemic is the Covid19 vaccines. Although they are not 100 percent effective yet they are efficacious in reducing the severity of the disease and even preventing it. There is no need to delay getting pregnant after the covid-19 vaccination so you can go for IVF treatment immediately after or even during covid19 vaccination. As it is a dead virus it does not have any impact on fertility treatment. As per recent Government of India Guidelines vaccines are safe even during pregnancy and in the pre-pregnancy period.

Visit here to read the full article: https://www.hindustantimes.com/brand-post/ivf-in-the-times-of-covid-safety-and-precautions-101627190202824.html?fbclid=IwAR3Yzomi3zg31o-X2QjpkRWBH2egg2Ut3pBnh5pZPPMLI60x2SC9jxciDUQ

Should I delay IVF treatment till I get the COVID-19 vaccine? A doctor answers IVF-related fears amidst the pandemic

An expert highlights the importance of observing safety precautions and getting vaccinated when you're planning to go for IVF amidst Covid-19.

What we thought was the end was just the beginning. The deadly second wave of Covid which affected people more from the reproductive age group reaffirms that we will need to continue to live in a COVID-19 environment for the foreseeable future. As per ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine), there is a need to ensure that essential medical care, including reproductive care, is provided while maximizing safety.

An essential protective tool in the pandemic is the Covid19 vaccine. The available options may not be 100 per cent effective yet they are efficacious in reducing the severity of the disease and even preventing it.

There is no need to delay getting pregnant after the Covid 19 vaccination. So, you can go for IVF treatment immediately after the Covid-19 vaccination. It does not have any impact on fertility treatment. As per recent Government of India Guidelines, vaccines are safe even during pregnancy and in the pre-pregnancy period.

We know that the increasing age of the couples and increasing duration of infertility have a negative impact on the success rates of IVF treatment. So, you should follow all the safety precautions and start your IVF treatment. Always wear a mask, keep social distance, frequently wash your hands and sanities surfaces and objects like your mobile phone and bags.

IVF treatment involves a minor surgical procedure for egg retrieval. So, if you have been infected with Covid-19, you can start IVF treatment after 4 weeks if you were asymptomatic or only had mild non-respiratory symptoms. If you had respiratory symptoms like cough or breathlessness but did not need hospitalization then wait for 6 weeks at least? If you were hospitalized for Covid-19 infection then please wait for 8 to 10 weeks. If you have diabetes or are immunocompromised then wait for 8 to 10 weeks before starting IVF treatment. If you were admitted to an ICU due to Covid-19 infection then please wait for 12 weeks after recovery before you start IVF treatment. 

Visit to read full article: https://www.healthshots.com/brand-posts/should-i-delay-ivf-treatment-till-i-get-the-covid-19-vaccine-a-doctor-answers-ivf-related-fears-amidst-the-pandemic/


Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour was Live on Fever 104 FM on Occasion of World IVF Day

आज वर्ल्ड आईवीएफ डे के अवसर पर हमारे साथ है खास मेहमान डॉक्टर शिवानी सचदेव गौर (गायनोकोलॉजिस्ट एंड आईवीएफ स्पेशलिस्ट एस.सी.आई इंटरनेशनल हॉस्पिटल दिल्ली.

रेडियो जॉकी: डॉक्टर, आईवीएफ की जरूरत क्यों होती है, और इसे किस किस को फायदा हो सकता है?

डॉक्टर शिवानी: आईपीएस करने से पहले आपको यह सुनिश्चित करने की आवश्यकता है कि बांझपन का उपचार के लिए अन्य रूपों के ट्रीटमेंट है या तो वो काम नहीं कर रहे हैं या काम करने का चांस बहुत कम है। जहाँ अन्य बांझपन के उपचार विफल हो जाते हैं, वहाँ भी आईवीएफ काम करता है। कुछ मरीज आईवीएफ से पहले प्रजनन उपचार की एक श्रृंखला से गुजरते हैं। जैसे फेटिलिटी की दवाइया, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, insemination का इलाज. पर कुछ कंडीशंस ऐसे होते है... जिसमें आईवीएफ सबसे पहला ऑप्शन होता हैं। पुरुष में अंडे की क्वालिटी कमजोर होना, साथ ही जैसे फैलोपियन ट्यूब की क्षति, जैसे गंभीर पुरुष बाजपन और बहुत कम ओवेरियन रिजर्व होना प्रमुख कारण हैं। महिला की उम्र चालीस से अधिक होना साथ ही कुछ महिलाएं अपनी प्रेग्नेंसी देरी करना चाहती हैं, उसके लिए एग फ्रीजिंग कराना चाहती है, उनके लिए आईवीएफ एक बेहतर उपाय है


Book your free consultation now!


Contact Address:

S-21, Greater Kailash - I, New Delhi – 110048

Phone +911141022905/7/9

Mail at- ivfdrshivani@gmail.com

Website- https://www.drshivanisachdevgour.co.in

When Can a Patient Co For IVF Treatment Post Covid Vaccination?

RJ: On the occasion of World IVF Week, We have Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour director SCI  IVF Centre Delhi and Noida, who is a part of record making awareness activity in India and Asia Book of Records to spread awareness about IVF.

RJ: Doctor When can a patient co for IVF treatment post covid vaccination?

Dr:  There is no need to delay getting pregnant after covet19 vaccination so you can go for IVF treatment immediately or even during your covid 19 vaccination. Remember, it is a dead virus. It does not have any impact on fertility treatment and as per recent government of India guidelines. Vaccines are safe even during pregnancy and in the pre pregnancy period.

RJ: Issued in public interest by Zydus Healthcare Limited.

When Can a Patient Co For IVF Treatment Post Covid Vaccination? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5TsAcvc-cc

After How Long Can a Person Go for IVF Treatment If She Has Been Infected With Covid19


RJ: On the occasion of World IVF Week, We have Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour, director SCI IVF Centre Delhi and Noida, who is a part of record-making awareness activity in India and Asia Book of Records to spread awareness about IVF.

RJ: Doctor, After how long can a person go for IVF treatment if she has been infected with Covid19?

Dr: If a person has been infected with covid19, they can start IVF treatment after four weeks, if they were asymptomatic. If you have had respiratory symptoms like cough or breath listeners but did not need hospitalization, then you should wait for six weeks. If you were hospitalized for Covid19, then please wait for 8 to 10 weeks before starting treatment. If you were admitted to ICU, then you should wait for at least 12 weeks after complete recovery before you start your treatment.

RJ: Issued in the public interest by Zydus Healthcare Limited.

YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2z4Aqra2cg

Contact us now to get more information about IVF possibilities in this covid time- http://www.drshivanisachdevgour.co.in

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