Grateful Ethiopian Parents Abraham and Melete Express Heartfelt Thanks to Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour and SCI International Hospital

To Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour and all SCI International Hospital team members, Thank you so much for your care and guidance during this incredible experience! We are beyond thrilled. Thank you again for everything you did to help get our baby here. You were so wonderful to work with during a stressful time and you and your team were supportive and encouraging every step of the way. Our baby here name is Evana Abraham she is 50 days old Thanks to GOD and all of SCI staff god bless you.

Abraham and Melete from Ethiopia - Tigray Meklle

#DrShivaniSachdevGour #GratefulParents #SCIInternationalHospital #MiracleBaby #EvanaAbraham #EthiopianParents #BabyJoy #ThankfulHeart #Baby #BlessedJourney #NewParents #Parenthood #IVF

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